fgs global
fgs global
my job . (storyboard), animation, compositing, editing, sound
client . fgs global
The history and journey of fgs global is told, its heritage and success highlighted and the exciting future plans in the industry outlined.

my job . (storyboard), animation, compositing, editing, sound
client . fgs global
The history and journey of fgs global is told, its heritage and success highlighted and the exciting future plans in the industry outlined.
my job . concept, storyline, animation, compositing, editing, sound
illustration . Cynthia Alonso
client . AVM Computersysteme Vertriebs GmbH
Wi-Fi 6 is the WLAN standard and makes transmission more efficient, powerful and responsive. The animation explains the benefits of Wi-Fi 6.
my job . concept, illustration, animation, compositing, editing, sound
client . eobiont GmbH
my job . style frames . motion design /animation . compositing . editing
agency . Quadriga Media GmbH
client . Vertriebsmanagementkongress
Opener for the congress. I developed the key visual further and created new images especially for this event.
my job . style frames . motion design / animation . compositing . editing
agency . Quadriga Media GmbH
client . We Transform Communication Festival, Berlin
Teaser for the „We Transform Communication Festival“. I developed the key visual further and created new images especially for this event.
my job . (storyboard), animation, compositing, editing, sound
client . msg insur:it
With msg insur:it, the IT service providers msg life ag and msg nexinsure ag offer future-proof software solutions for the insurance industry.
my job . style frames . motion design /animation . compositing . editing
agency . Quadriga Media GmbH
client . European Communication Summit
The showcase representing parts of the event design for the summit. The package includes intro, outro, opener, lower-thirds and teaser. I developed the key visual further and created new images especially for this event.
my job . style frames . motion design /animation . compositing . editing
agency . Quadriga Media GmbH
client . Asia-Pacific Communications Summit
The showcase representing parts of the event design for the summit. The package includes intro, outro, opener … I developed the key visual further and created new images especially for this event.
my job . visual concept . illustration . style frame .
motion design / animation . compositing
client . Handelsblatt
To upgrade the online platform of „Handelsblatt“ it is intended to offer different formats of explanatory videos. For the pilot „#Deutschland 2050. Die Zukunft der Arbeit“ I created the motion branding. The package includes opener, end title, lower thirds, slider A, slider B, bumper and infographics.
my job . style frames . motion design /animation . compositing . editing
agency . Quadriga Media GmbH
client . Vertriebsmanagement Kongress
The showcase represents parts of the event design for the congress. The package includes intro logo, outro, opener, lower thirds, slider, end title, event announcements and teaser. I developed the key visual further and created new images especially for this event.